They are dear friends who oversee the work here at Nehemiah
translating. We were using her today to translate our counseling sessions.
She does a great job and is always smiling.
who comes to see us each time we come to Ukraine and asks lots of questions. He pastors a church
in Irshava and has 7 children. He and his wife Lena raise dogs and flowers to support their family.
Today was busy from sunup to sundown. We had counseling sessions all day and in between we packed up our clothes and got ready to leave. It always makes us sad to say goodbye but we are excited about coming home also. God has graced us on this mission trip in ways we are still trying to process. It has been an honor to come and minister to the precious people in this country. Words cannot express how much we appreciate each one of you has supported us on these missions. Your prayers, encouragements and offerings have made it possible and you will share in any rewards we receive from the Lord. WE have all been on mission in Ukraine. Lord willing we will be home Saturday night. Please pray for our flights to be on time and that we might even be able to make earlier connections to get home quicker. God Bless You, Wayne and Sherry
1 comment:
We are praising God with you for His annointing and grace on this trip! We'll be praying for safe and easy travel for you both. Can't wait to see you Sunday morning on the Square!
Andre and Lisa
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