7 New converts who were baptized yesterday. They sang Happy Birthday to them and gave words of encouragement to them as they begin their journey in the Lord. They truly celebrated these new converts.

Joyful worship and smiling faces as they gave their tithes and offerings. I was not able to catch the line of people dancing up to put their offering in the basket. The joy in this church is palatable. Since we were here last year they have outgrown their meeting place. People were standing in the hallway, and sitting on the floor and there was no airconditioning and only one window open. The service lasted 2 1/2 hours. PTL This is the church that has gone through so much heartache the past few years so it is wonderful to see how the Lord is blessing them. Weeping may last for a night, but JOY comes in the morning.

These little children were on stage as part of the worship, they were dancing. They are encouraged to come.
Wayne preached another anointed sermon tonight. He shared on the Power of the Resurection. It was so good and the people were talking back to him and applauding when he shared. They really do participate in all aspects of worship. It was so refreshing. We prayed with them at the end and gave a blessing. We so love to come to this little group of believers.
When we got back to Nehemiah Center we attended a birthday party for Tanya celebrated Georgian style. Her husband is from the country of Georgia. It was such fun. We are now exhausted and are going to bed. Tomorrow will be full. Not only do we have to prepare for the evening with the young people, but we have been asked by 5 people if we could counsel them so we have to try to work that in sometime. Please keep us in prayer all day tomorrow. Actually start praying tonight before you go to bed. We need stamina to finish this week of ministry and safety as we travel from place to place, most importantly we need the anointing of God to touch the hearts of the young people
CCF we love you and miss you and heard that Pastor Bill preached a wonderful message today. Lisa K. and Julie C. thank you for you notes of encouragement each day, they really have been timely and ministered greatly to us, thank you to all who are faithfully praying for us, we feel your prayers. And to our precious family, thank you for being willing to talk to us on skype so the time goes quicker and we dont' feel so disconnected.
Be sure to scroll down since I have posted 3 times with pictures today.
Grace and Peace, Wayne and Sherry