Paul was a great help giving input and helping PW see when he was on a bunny trail. LOL
Here is a sample of the kinds of questions the students were asking.
1. Is God ever sorry for doing something ie. He feels He made a mistake?
2. Can God’s will go against His Law? For example to kill people while occupying the promised land. It is against His moral/ethical norms.
Those of you who know PW and PH know that neither of them can give a short answer to questions like these. So PW is meeting with the one student at lunch tomorrow to try to answer the question without teaching the whole bible from Genesis 1 in answering.
PW moved into the apt. at the school today and PH decided to stay at the hotel so they are both comfortably settled for the week of ministry. As always the staff at BSM is wonderful and very helpful.
By comparison this was PW's room, 2 beds in a tiny room and a very small bathroom. Thus the move to the apt. at the School.
Prayer requests for the week:
That both PW and PH can eat healthy food and stay well.
That both of them will be able to cover all the material.
That the teachings will bring life not just head knowledge.
That God continues to grace Sherry and Melissa with peace
That we can figure out why the pictures did not post. Sorry.....
That we can figure out why the pictures did not post. Sorry.....
Much love,
PW and Sherry
PH and Melissa
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