Thursday, April 23, 2015

Day 3 - Wed.

Today was a short day of teaching since the young people had sports this morning.  But the time we spent with them was profitable.  PW taught the peace and joy principle and I taught a session on gathering information to help with counseling sessions.  

PW met with one young man at the end of lunch and then I met with a young woman this evening.  The teachings open up insights for them on why they do what they do.  It is a healing time for many as they listen and then work on dealing with the things that they thought they would have to live with.   This is our favorite part of doing these teachings.  We have seen over and over again the sufficiency of Scripture in the lives of God's people.

Natasha, who is the secretary for the school, took me on a wonderful walk this morning while PW slept since he was still not feeling well. Today has been a bad day for him as far as the way he feels.  We have concluded that what is wrong with him is that he picked up the flu virus that is going around.  Anyway, sleep and plenty of fluids is the only way to go with this unless the Lord heals him quickly.

Below is the only picture I took today, it is of the students having a party. At the end of the day they decided to have pop corn and a contest to see who had the most bible knowledge.  The laughter could be heard into our room. Sorry it is so dark, but at least you can see that they enjoy spending time together.

Much love,
PW and Sherry

1 comment:

M. said...

The students sound wonderful!! What a blessing to be part of this work of God. Love you two!!Tell PW to drink lots of fluids!!! :-)

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