Praying over a couple. The worship band.
This is the congregation of Hope and Life Church
in Tirgoviste Romania. The church is made up of
mostly young people and couples. They meet in
the school auditorium each Sunday at 6 p.m. If
click on the pictures you should see them waving
hello to all of you.
PW preached a message on hope to them. It was
quite powerful and when asked to respond almost
all said that they had come to a place of having no
hope that life would change for them. Even though
they have jobs, the salary is not enough to pay for
a place to live plus provide food. PW talked to them
about the need for an eternal perspective and not a
temporal one. PTL the message hit the mark and
God ministered to our brothers and sisters and
reminded them that hope is in Him not the world.
1 comment:
How exciting to see this young church. I showed Andrew your posts and pics. We talked about how we are participating in this ministry through prayer. We also talked about how difficult it would be to work hard at your job but not earn enough money to buy food.
Praise God that He ministered to these precious people through Pastor's message!! We'll pray that that hope and eternal perspective takes root and bears much fruit in their lives. We'll also pray for God to supply all their needs.
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