The past few weeks I have been observing people. So what does that have to do with being invisible? Here are some examples of what I have seen especially as I have worked with teens, but adults also do the same things. I am using the first person reference so you can put yourself in the examples.
1 You are in a group of "friends" and they talk to each other as though you were not present, like you were invisible. The clincher is when they make plans to get together to do "fun" things and never even ask you to come, as though you were invisible...
2. You are trying to have a conversation with someone and they are texting the whole time, as though you were invisible.
3. You walk into a room of people you know with a smile on your face and they do not even say hello or make eye contact, as though you were invisible.
4. You open your mouth to share something and be apart of the conversation and you are totally ignored and they speak over you as though you were invisible.
These are just a few examples of what I have observed, but I think you get the point. Not only is it rude, but it is not the way our Lord tells us to treat each other. There are no cliques in His economy. As believers we are to prefer one another, treat one another with honor, love one another, serve one another, encourage one another, have the same care one for the other, do you see a theme here? All of these exhortations are making others feel visible and part of the group.
Jesus said "by this all men will know you are my disciples if you have love one for another".
So ask the Lord to show you if you are perhaps making others feel invisible and if He shows you that you are , how about asking His forgiveness and then making a conscious effort in 2015, to reverse the way you treat others. I know I will be doing exactly that.
Much love,
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Thursday, November 13, 2014
You Follow Me
John 21:22 Jesus said to him (Peter), "If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? YOU FOLLOW ME.
This is one of the most freeing passages in Scripture. Do you realize this command of Jesus frees of us from all pressure to be like someone else, to have to defend our walk with him, to defend our Church or any other area of our Christian walk?
Our main responsibility is to FOLLOW JESUS. Period. He has laid out in His word the things He wants us to do and our part is to obey. He is conforming us to His image alone.
So dear ones, chase hard after Jesus and quit the comparison game.
Enjoying freedom in Him.
Much love,
This is one of the most freeing passages in Scripture. Do you realize this command of Jesus frees of us from all pressure to be like someone else, to have to defend our walk with him, to defend our Church or any other area of our Christian walk?
Our main responsibility is to FOLLOW JESUS. Period. He has laid out in His word the things He wants us to do and our part is to obey. He is conforming us to His image alone.
So dear ones, chase hard after Jesus and quit the comparison game.
Enjoying freedom in Him.
Much love,
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
He Heals the Heart
Hurting people. They are everywhere. The past week it seems like I have either personally talked to or heard about people in pain almost daily.
The Christians who are being persecuted all over the world.
The woman whose doctor has said she might have MS.
The couple who just heard that he is being deployed to Afghanistan soon and he will leave her and 3 children behind for almost a year.
The friend who has Parkinson Disease that is progressing.
The teen whose mom was just told she only has 5 months to live at best.
The couple whose marriage is in trouble and neither seem to be able to quit hurting each other.
The lady who is a new widow trying to cope with the empty places in her heart.
The man whose wife is an unbeliever and he is hurting because the thing that means the most to him he cannot share with her.
The couple who are grieving over a troubled rebellious teen.
The young woman who is filled with anxiety each day.
The list and examples go on and on. But the good news is that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and His mercies are new every morning. In each of these instances God is making the difference and they each are growing in their faith in God .
Brothers and sisters, no matter what is going on in your life, you can trust God. He is the one who promises to give you peace that passes all understanding. He is the one who promises to work all things together for good. Yes even the bad stuff.
I love the old hymn Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. That is the secret to overcoming.
Much love,
The Christians who are being persecuted all over the world.
The woman whose doctor has said she might have MS.
The couple who just heard that he is being deployed to Afghanistan soon and he will leave her and 3 children behind for almost a year.
The friend who has Parkinson Disease that is progressing.
The teen whose mom was just told she only has 5 months to live at best.
The couple whose marriage is in trouble and neither seem to be able to quit hurting each other.
The lady who is a new widow trying to cope with the empty places in her heart.
The man whose wife is an unbeliever and he is hurting because the thing that means the most to him he cannot share with her.
The couple who are grieving over a troubled rebellious teen.
The young woman who is filled with anxiety each day.
The list and examples go on and on. But the good news is that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and His mercies are new every morning. In each of these instances God is making the difference and they each are growing in their faith in God .
Brothers and sisters, no matter what is going on in your life, you can trust God. He is the one who promises to give you peace that passes all understanding. He is the one who promises to work all things together for good. Yes even the bad stuff.
I love the old hymn Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. That is the secret to overcoming.
Much love,
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Do you long for HIS presence? I sure do.
In Psalm 16:11 NAS, it says, "You will make known to me the path of life; In YOUR PRESENCE is fullness of joy: In YOUR right hand there are pleasures forever.
The Hollman Christian Standard Bible translates this verse saying, " In YOUR PRESENCE is abundant joy.
Now I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me. Note it says fullness of JOY not fullness of happiness. In our culture we mistake happy for joy. They are totally opposite. Happiness is dependent on people, places and things being right. Joy is not dependent on anything but Gods presence.
Lets not settle for anything less than HIS PRESENCE.
Much Love,
In Psalm 16:11 NAS, it says, "You will make known to me the path of life; In YOUR PRESENCE is fullness of joy: In YOUR right hand there are pleasures forever.
The Hollman Christian Standard Bible translates this verse saying, " In YOUR PRESENCE is abundant joy.
Now I don't know about you, but that sounds pretty good to me. Note it says fullness of JOY not fullness of happiness. In our culture we mistake happy for joy. They are totally opposite. Happiness is dependent on people, places and things being right. Joy is not dependent on anything but Gods presence.
Lets not settle for anything less than HIS PRESENCE.
Much Love,
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Love One Another
Jesus told us that the world would know that we were His disciples by our love for one another. I have been pondering this truth for some time now and asking God, what would this really look like if we put it into practice.
On any given Sunday in any church setting or Christian social event, you can see children, teens and adults greeting one another and chatting and laughing and praying together. But do we ever notice the one sitting alone? The ones that perhaps are a bit different than the rest? All alone, seldom being included in conversation or invitations. When was the last time you personally reached out to one of these hurting lonely ones? This breaks my heart and I am sure it breaks the heart of the One who died for us all.
Jesus did not leave us without instruction on how to walk out this love He commanded us to display. The bible is full of one another passages.
Here a few of them?
Greet one another with a holy kiss
Serve one another
Prefer one another
Honor one another
Give hospitality to one another
Forgive one another
Be devoted to one another
Accept one another
Encourage one another
Give your self to one another
Have the same care one for another
Seek after that which is good for one another
Bear one another's burdens
Might I suggest that we all need to do some repenting for not walking out our love in a biblical manner? I have been challenged by the Lord to make a change in the way I interact with those around me. I would like to ask you to join me in walking out this biblical love in a new way.
I am blessed to be a part of a Church that for the most part practices these things, but we all need to improve because people still fall through the cracks. The Church is the one place where no one should ever feel left out or unloved or on the outside looking in.
This week, make a point to ask God to open your eyes to those around you. Be sure to introduce them to others with whom you spend time. Invite them to your next outing and make sure you include them in the conversation and activity. Drop them a note and just let them know you are praying for them. Let them know that you care but more importantly that God cares. I cannot help but think if we as the body of Christ began to practice these things the world around where we live would know without a shadow of doubt that we are His disciples. And the bonus, HIS fame would spread far and wide and those who do not yet know Him might come to faith. Hallelujah, let's BE the Church and make a difference.
Much love,
On any given Sunday in any church setting or Christian social event, you can see children, teens and adults greeting one another and chatting and laughing and praying together. But do we ever notice the one sitting alone? The ones that perhaps are a bit different than the rest? All alone, seldom being included in conversation or invitations. When was the last time you personally reached out to one of these hurting lonely ones? This breaks my heart and I am sure it breaks the heart of the One who died for us all.
Jesus did not leave us without instruction on how to walk out this love He commanded us to display. The bible is full of one another passages.
Here a few of them?
Greet one another with a holy kiss
Serve one another
Prefer one another
Honor one another
Give hospitality to one another
Forgive one another
Be devoted to one another
Accept one another
Encourage one another
Give your self to one another
Have the same care one for another
Seek after that which is good for one another
Bear one another's burdens
Might I suggest that we all need to do some repenting for not walking out our love in a biblical manner? I have been challenged by the Lord to make a change in the way I interact with those around me. I would like to ask you to join me in walking out this biblical love in a new way.
I am blessed to be a part of a Church that for the most part practices these things, but we all need to improve because people still fall through the cracks. The Church is the one place where no one should ever feel left out or unloved or on the outside looking in.
This week, make a point to ask God to open your eyes to those around you. Be sure to introduce them to others with whom you spend time. Invite them to your next outing and make sure you include them in the conversation and activity. Drop them a note and just let them know you are praying for them. Let them know that you care but more importantly that God cares. I cannot help but think if we as the body of Christ began to practice these things the world around where we live would know without a shadow of doubt that we are His disciples. And the bonus, HIS fame would spread far and wide and those who do not yet know Him might come to faith. Hallelujah, let's BE the Church and make a difference.
Much love,
Monday, May 19, 2014
Philippine Youth Seminar May 16th
What a blessing it is to us to minister to young people. Like I said in my last post sometimes God makes me giggle as a result. PW had the grace and the word titled 3 Primary Relationships for this seminar on Friday night. Here is a picture of the young people with PW. I unfortunately had to take a medicine for hives and it totally knocked me out about half hour before the seminar finished at 2 a.m. so I am not in the picture. :>)))
The following is from Pastor Rannie giving a report on the seminar.
The message of Pastor Wayne for the young people is very a blessings to us here, even me and my wife are so much blessed. The message is purely word of God it cleans our hearts and mind. The reaction of the young people are so much serious while they are listening of the lecture of Pastor Wayne.
After of the seminar yesterday, because we have enough time all the young people together with me and my wife we are continuing to discussed of what Pastor Wayne that Shared to us, Pastor said Yesterday that Short Pleasure, Results long pain, this is the points that the young people very encourage to continue
to discussed, and two wars. war inside and war outside. Tell Pastor Wayne we are so much encouraged and your labor is not in vain.
Much love,
Rannie and Rosemarie
Sunday, May 11, 2014
God makes me giggle
I am always amazed at the sense of humor of our Father. He says a merry heart is like good medicine and that is so true.
This coming Friday May 16th PW and I have been asked to speak at another youth seminar in the Philippines. And that makes me giggle. Why? Well we are in our mid 60's, old folks to these teens and yet they WANT us to speak to them. They are hungry to learn from our life experiences. The same was true of the Latvian youth. And when we minister in Ukraine many times it is to the youth.
Please keep us in prayer as we prepare this week and then as we minister via Skype Friday night from 9 p.m. - 4 a.m.
Anyway, when we are with young people we laugh a lot. And that brothers and sister is good medicine.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
This coming Friday May 16th PW and I have been asked to speak at another youth seminar in the Philippines. And that makes me giggle. Why? Well we are in our mid 60's, old folks to these teens and yet they WANT us to speak to them. They are hungry to learn from our life experiences. The same was true of the Latvian youth. And when we minister in Ukraine many times it is to the youth.
Please keep us in prayer as we prepare this week and then as we minister via Skype Friday night from 9 p.m. - 4 a.m.
Anyway, when we are with young people we laugh a lot. And that brothers and sister is good medicine.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
Friday, May 2, 2014
Sweet Goodbyes
Sherry and Diana translating |
Marina has translated into Russian for 5 yrs. This is her last year at the school. |
Natasha the school Secretary, Mom to the students and Marina |
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Note with picture of us one of the students Put on the Board for us during break. |
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They blessed us with cards and candy to say thank you. Then they all laid hands on us and prayed for us. |
Test time. |
Evija one of our students her smile is so pretty and encouraging and her sweet spirit was a blessing. |
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Long but productive day
Hi all, sorry I did not get this posted yesterday, It was a long long day and we were spent by the time we got home at 10:30. Class went really well today. We finished the teachings and will start with the fun stuff in the morning doing role plays so the students can apply what they have been taught. Pw preached at the Source of Life Church last night after teaching all day. The church has a tuesday prayer meeting and a thursday equipping service which is the one he preached. Here are some pictures to enjoy.
Marou and Julia at our dinner on Wed. Evening She is an excellent cook and we enjoyed dinner and the time of fellowship. |
PW preaching on Choices |
This lady came up to us afterward and said she had lived in Cleveland as an exchange student in 1994. What are the chances that we meet someone who had visited Cleveland in Latvia? |
Danny and Damaris Pedraza missionaries from Argentina We enjoyed a lovely time of fellowship after the service at a local restaurant. |
Two of our girls. Lauma on the left is one of our translators. She has been a believer for a little over a year. I will post more pictures after we finish up today. Much love, PW and Sherry |
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
The Joy of the journey - Getting to know them
This is Gentis. Today is his 18th birthday and we were invited to join he and the students for a marshmallow roast in his honor. |
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Today was our second day of teaching and it went very well. We covered a lot of material in the 7 sessions we taught. The students are like dry sponges soaking up the word. It is very easy to teach hungry and thirsty people. The best part of the whole day was the interaction one on one with several of the students. They are starting to open up to us with their stories and are asking for counsel. We are so excited and sensing what the Lord is doing and wanting to do this week. Tomorrow we will post some individual pictures of those we are getting to know but for today we wanted to put the pictures that should have been posted on Monday morning. :>))) We never have claimed to do this right. Enjoy. Much love, PW and Sherry
The school where we are living and teaching. |
Logo for the school Note it says ONE year of your WHOLE life. The students are committing to this in a very real sense and work very hard to learn and grow, |
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Beautiful birch trees in a park across from the school. |
Relaxing in the sun after a day of ministry. |
The lake at the park across from the school. There are beautiful forest all over Latvia. |
Monday, April 28, 2014
Day 1 - Meet the class
Much love,
PW and Sherry
Sunday, April 27, 2014
Baltic School of Ministry
We arrived at the school yesterday around 3 and settled in for our week of ministry, but not before we had a lovely dinner at one of the Latvian Buffets with our friends Mauro and Julia Martinez. You can see the fun loving nature of these two in picture below of the bunnies.

We start teaching today at 2:30 Latvian time and go until 5. Tuesday we start each day at 8:45 and go until 5:00. Thursday evening PW will be preaching at a local church in Riga.
Our main prayer at the moment is for health. Both of us are feeling a bit off, upset stomach etc. Could be that our food has not been what we are used. But whatever please pray.
Other prayer requests for the week are for the hearts of the 17 students to be touched by the word, for the anointing of God to be upon us as we teach and minister and for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Often when teaching the Lord deals with some things in the students lives and we find ourselves hanging out on certain topics or scriptures longer than usual so we know it is the Holy Spirit. We pray that we will have the opportunity to minister one on one with these young people this week.
Yes this is a double bed. Yes PW is tall and used to a king size. Yes S has 1/2 foot of space. :>)))))
Much love,
PW and Sherry
We start teaching today at 2:30 Latvian time and go until 5. Tuesday we start each day at 8:45 and go until 5:00. Thursday evening PW will be preaching at a local church in Riga.
Our main prayer at the moment is for health. Both of us are feeling a bit off, upset stomach etc. Could be that our food has not been what we are used. But whatever please pray.
Other prayer requests for the week are for the hearts of the 17 students to be touched by the word, for the anointing of God to be upon us as we teach and minister and for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit. Often when teaching the Lord deals with some things in the students lives and we find ourselves hanging out on certain topics or scriptures longer than usual so we know it is the Holy Spirit. We pray that we will have the opportunity to minister one on one with these young people this week.
Here are the pictures of our home for this week. Basic but comfortable.
Yes this is a double bed. Yes PW is tall and used to a king size. Yes S has 1/2 foot of space. :>)))))
This is our kitchen/living room/bathroom sink/study place.
So now you can picture us in our living space this week. We are very excited and will keep you posted about what the Lord is doing each day. Blessings to all of you as you begin your day.
PW and Sherry
Saturday, April 26, 2014
Riga, a step into the past
Mauro Martinez, the administrator for the Baltic School of Ministry will pick us up tomorrow to take us to the school to get settled so we can start teaching on Monday. We covet your prayers. Much love, PW and Sherry
Friday, April 25, 2014
HIS Perspective
As we flew into Latvia yesterday morning I was looking out the window of the plane. It is amazing what you see when you are in the sky. Squares and rectangles of color in various ranges from light green to dark green and then sandy brown, sparkles of light where there is water. It was lovely and it gave me perspective that I do not usually have. It was like looking at a patchwork quilt and I realized that if I was on the ground I would not be seeing the bigger picture and it would be marred by weeds and mud and garbage. But from the sky I saw it all differently and it was beautiful. That is how God sees our lives. He sees the bigger picture, the finished product and it is beautiful. He sees us as conformed to the image of Jesus (Rom. 8:28-29). When we gave our lives to Jesus we exchanged our sin for His righteousness, our weakness for His strength, our minds for the mind of Christ.
So today brothers and sisters, try to see things from His perspective not your own. Colossians 3:1-4 says: Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
We will be resting and spending time in the word through Sunday so please pray that our spirits will be refreshed and we will be full of joy and energy by Monday when we begin ministering to the students.
Have a blessed weekend.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
So today brothers and sisters, try to see things from His perspective not your own. Colossians 3:1-4 says: Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
We will be resting and spending time in the word through Sunday so please pray that our spirits will be refreshed and we will be full of joy and energy by Monday when we begin ministering to the students.
Have a blessed weekend.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
The Journey Begins
Genesis 12:1 Now the Lord said to Abram, go forth from your country, and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you.
Isn't it amazing that God called Abram to leave all that he was familiar with, all those he loved, to follow Him? It is the same with all of us brothers and sisters. This journey we are all on starts with one step of faith.
And so today, we leave all we are familiar with and take that first step of faith. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. We don't know what the day or week will hold, but we know the One who does know, and somehow that is enough.
Please keep us in prayer as we leave for Latvia to serve the people there. If you would, ask God to give us safety as we travel, wisdom as we minister, and refreshment for our spirits, and health and safety for our family at home and our church. Please keep Pastor Bill in prayer as he takes care of the church while we are gone.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
Isn't it amazing that God called Abram to leave all that he was familiar with, all those he loved, to follow Him? It is the same with all of us brothers and sisters. This journey we are all on starts with one step of faith.
And so today, we leave all we are familiar with and take that first step of faith. It is exciting and scary all at the same time. We don't know what the day or week will hold, but we know the One who does know, and somehow that is enough.
Please keep us in prayer as we leave for Latvia to serve the people there. If you would, ask God to give us safety as we travel, wisdom as we minister, and refreshment for our spirits, and health and safety for our family at home and our church. Please keep Pastor Bill in prayer as he takes care of the church while we are gone.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
anxious |ˈaNG(k)SHəs|
Have you ever been anxious?
Perhaps you have a marriage that is not good, or a child who is a prodigal, or a job that is shaky, or you have just been given a diagnosis for a disease, or you are troubled by the world situation, or you are depressed, or you have a sin issue that you are battling…or a myriad of other what if things that cause us to be anxious because we are unsure of the outcome or the future.
You are not alone. We are all anxious at times but God is so faithful that He gave us an answer to that anxiety . Listen to the scripture:
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, BUT IN EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Did you read that? The peace of God which passes all comprehension. Peace, in the midst of our trouble, peace that will guard our hearts and minds. Wow. I am in constant amazement of the way our Lord takes care of us. But there is a catch……we must pray with thanksgiving. What does that mean? Well for starters it means we go to Him when we are feeling anxious and in the midst of our situation we tell Him how we are feeling what our worries are and we supplicate, or as Websters defines it we beg, we plead,with THANKSGIVING, thanking Him that the situation is not above Him, that we know it will work in us the character of God, that there will be some purpose to the trial. He can be trusted.
In James 5:16 it says: Therefore confess your sins to one another, pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
This tells me we need each other, sometimes I just need a friend to listen to me and help lead me to the place where I can be anxious for nothing by praying with me.
I love our Church family. On any given Sunday either before or after service you can look around and see brothers and sisters talking and sharing their lives and then often you will see them huddle together and start praying for each other. There will be groups all over the Sanctuary like this. Some at the altar, two or three sitting in a circle with heads bowed, you can walk into the hallway and find others doing the same. It is part of our normal way of life. And so often I hear testimony of how amazed someone is by the peace that came as a result of those prayers.
So what am I trying to say? Pray….pray about everything, pray alone, pray with someone but pray and know that God answers and that you do not have to be anxious, that you too can have the peace that passes all understanding.
And how do you keep that peace?
Philippians 4:8-9 Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.
Grace and Peace,Sherry
1 experiencing worry, unease, or nervousness, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcomeHave you ever been anxious?
Perhaps you have a marriage that is not good, or a child who is a prodigal, or a job that is shaky, or you have just been given a diagnosis for a disease, or you are troubled by the world situation, or you are depressed, or you have a sin issue that you are battling…or a myriad of other what if things that cause us to be anxious because we are unsure of the outcome or the future.
You are not alone. We are all anxious at times but God is so faithful that He gave us an answer to that anxiety . Listen to the scripture:
Philippians 4:6-7 Be anxious for nothing, BUT IN EVERYTHING by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all comprehension, shall guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Did you read that? The peace of God which passes all comprehension. Peace, in the midst of our trouble, peace that will guard our hearts and minds. Wow. I am in constant amazement of the way our Lord takes care of us. But there is a catch……we must pray with thanksgiving. What does that mean? Well for starters it means we go to Him when we are feeling anxious and in the midst of our situation we tell Him how we are feeling what our worries are and we supplicate, or as Websters defines it we beg, we plead,with THANKSGIVING, thanking Him that the situation is not above Him, that we know it will work in us the character of God, that there will be some purpose to the trial. He can be trusted.
In James 5:16 it says: Therefore confess your sins to one another, pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.
This tells me we need each other, sometimes I just need a friend to listen to me and help lead me to the place where I can be anxious for nothing by praying with me.
I love our Church family. On any given Sunday either before or after service you can look around and see brothers and sisters talking and sharing their lives and then often you will see them huddle together and start praying for each other. There will be groups all over the Sanctuary like this. Some at the altar, two or three sitting in a circle with heads bowed, you can walk into the hallway and find others doing the same. It is part of our normal way of life. And so often I hear testimony of how amazed someone is by the peace that came as a result of those prayers.
So what am I trying to say? Pray….pray about everything, pray alone, pray with someone but pray and know that God answers and that you do not have to be anxious, that you too can have the peace that passes all understanding.
And how do you keep that peace?
Philippians 4:8-9 Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things; and the God of peace shall be with you.
Grace and Peace,Sherry
Monday, April 14, 2014
Prayer update
Please keep Sherry in prayer this week. Her Gall Bladder is acting up. Not he way we want to leave the country.
We leave in 9 days. :>)))) Time is flying by.
Also, our hearts are so burdened for the Ukraine situation. The reports we are getting from our friends tell us that things are heating up and they are asking for prayer for safety, peace and courage. Please pray for the interim gov't to have wisdom on how to handle the Russian aggression.
Philippine update: WE have been asked to do a Youth seminar next month. Please pray for us as we prepare to have Gods wisdom and words for these young people. We had fun with them last year.
Also, Philippine Pastor Rudy has asked us to pray for his wife, Virgie. She is having some troubles from a surgery she had 2 years ago. She is in pain and the doctor wants to do some exploritory procedures but it is very costly and they do not have the money for the tests. Please ask our Father to provide what is needed and to touch Virgie with healing.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
We leave in 9 days. :>)))) Time is flying by.
Also, our hearts are so burdened for the Ukraine situation. The reports we are getting from our friends tell us that things are heating up and they are asking for prayer for safety, peace and courage. Please pray for the interim gov't to have wisdom on how to handle the Russian aggression.
Philippine update: WE have been asked to do a Youth seminar next month. Please pray for us as we prepare to have Gods wisdom and words for these young people. We had fun with them last year.
Also, Philippine Pastor Rudy has asked us to pray for his wife, Virgie. She is having some troubles from a surgery she had 2 years ago. She is in pain and the doctor wants to do some exploritory procedures but it is very costly and they do not have the money for the tests. Please ask our Father to provide what is needed and to touch Virgie with healing.
Much love,
PW and Sherry
As you know PW and I do a lot of counseling and mentoring in the body of Christ , there are so many hurting people and because of these hurts, I feel prompted to share some thoughts with all of you.
When Jesus was on the earth, He spoke so many deep truths into the lives of His followers. Today we are privileged to tap into these truths and apply them to our own lives. One of the last things He said to His disciples was recorded in John's gospel.
John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
Sounds like good advice especially since He knew that the whole world would be watching His followers after His resurrection. He knew that His kind of love was so against the flow of the culture that He wanted His followers to be defined by this characteristic. Note it is not a suggestion and so we can know that this kind of love is not a feeling, one cannot command feelings, this kind of love is an act of the will. It is considering what is best for the other, it is dying to what we want for their good, it is unconditional, undeserved. It is an action kind of love. Note in Verse 35 what the result will be.
John 13:35 By this (love) all men will KNOW that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
As the early church grew and time went on the writer to the Hebrews gave another command.
Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another ; and all the more as you see the day(end times day) drawing near.
There must have been some lack in the love and good deeds dept. or the writer would not have told them to consider how to stimulate one another for these things. Imagine having to encourage someone to love and do good. But that is exactly what was happening then and what is happening in our day in the modern day church. Humans get on each others nerves, they offend each other, they hurt each other and our natural tendency is to remove ourselves from them and say who needs this. But we cannot give in , we must hold fast our confession, we must encourage one another more and more to gather together.. Why? Well note the verse below.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.
Might I suggest that the world is getting worse and worse. This verse gives a pretty accurate description of the days in which we live. All of us, our children included are being confronted with the viscousness in our culture. So could it be that the writer of Hebrews seeing into the future was saying, look as you see things get worse, there needs to be a SAFE PLACE for believers to gather and encourage one another. I think he was onto something.
I have a dream, it is to see a place where kids and adults alike feel SAFE. SAFE to be themselves without criticism, SAFE to try out their gifts and not fear failing, SAFE to be accepted and enjoyed for who God made them to be, SAFE to share hurts, SAFE to ask for help, SAFE to escape from the world and find something so incredibly different that they long to be there more and more. A place where they not only feel loved, but are shown love. A place where there are no factions, no cliques, where no one is left out but reached out to and included. Where everyone is honored and respected. A place where old and young alike can fellowship together. Where those who are older are given honor, where we consider one, prefer one another. Where the older generation is honored because we include them in our planning of worship, where we include a few hymns for them, where the young get some wonderful contemporary worship music so all can enter into worship our Lord, where older people are asked advice because they have lived longer and have wisdom, where young kids, teens and young adults are allowed to serve along side older more mature saints so they can learn. A place where His love is so evident that the world outside wants what we have….forgiveness of sins, eternal life, joy and peace all found in Jesus. Where God is adding to the church daily those who are being saved.
Might I suggest that this might be what Jesus had in mind when He died and called us the CHURCH.
Grace and Peace,
When Jesus was on the earth, He spoke so many deep truths into the lives of His followers. Today we are privileged to tap into these truths and apply them to our own lives. One of the last things He said to His disciples was recorded in John's gospel.
John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you also love one another.
Sounds like good advice especially since He knew that the whole world would be watching His followers after His resurrection. He knew that His kind of love was so against the flow of the culture that He wanted His followers to be defined by this characteristic. Note it is not a suggestion and so we can know that this kind of love is not a feeling, one cannot command feelings, this kind of love is an act of the will. It is considering what is best for the other, it is dying to what we want for their good, it is unconditional, undeserved. It is an action kind of love. Note in Verse 35 what the result will be.
John 13:35 By this (love) all men will KNOW that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.
As the early church grew and time went on the writer to the Hebrews gave another command.
Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another ; and all the more as you see the day(end times day) drawing near.
There must have been some lack in the love and good deeds dept. or the writer would not have told them to consider how to stimulate one another for these things. Imagine having to encourage someone to love and do good. But that is exactly what was happening then and what is happening in our day in the modern day church. Humans get on each others nerves, they offend each other, they hurt each other and our natural tendency is to remove ourselves from them and say who needs this. But we cannot give in , we must hold fast our confession, we must encourage one another more and more to gather together.. Why? Well note the verse below.
2 Timothy 3:1-5 But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come. For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness, although they have denied its power; avoid such men as these.
Might I suggest that the world is getting worse and worse. This verse gives a pretty accurate description of the days in which we live. All of us, our children included are being confronted with the viscousness in our culture. So could it be that the writer of Hebrews seeing into the future was saying, look as you see things get worse, there needs to be a SAFE PLACE for believers to gather and encourage one another. I think he was onto something.
I have a dream, it is to see a place where kids and adults alike feel SAFE. SAFE to be themselves without criticism, SAFE to try out their gifts and not fear failing, SAFE to be accepted and enjoyed for who God made them to be, SAFE to share hurts, SAFE to ask for help, SAFE to escape from the world and find something so incredibly different that they long to be there more and more. A place where they not only feel loved, but are shown love. A place where there are no factions, no cliques, where no one is left out but reached out to and included. Where everyone is honored and respected. A place where old and young alike can fellowship together. Where those who are older are given honor, where we consider one, prefer one another. Where the older generation is honored because we include them in our planning of worship, where we include a few hymns for them, where the young get some wonderful contemporary worship music so all can enter into worship our Lord, where older people are asked advice because they have lived longer and have wisdom, where young kids, teens and young adults are allowed to serve along side older more mature saints so they can learn. A place where His love is so evident that the world outside wants what we have….forgiveness of sins, eternal life, joy and peace all found in Jesus. Where God is adding to the church daily those who are being saved.
Might I suggest that this might be what Jesus had in mind when He died and called us the CHURCH.
Grace and Peace,
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
21 Days and counting
We are so excited as we begin our countdown for our mission trip to Riga, Latvia. Please pray for us as we finish up our preparations to teach Basics of Biblical Counseling at the Baltic School of Ministry. We love going to this part of the world and meeting these young people who are giving 9 months of their lives to seek God and grow before beginning their Adult careers.
Specific prayer:
For hearts to be open
For health for us and our family
For our church to stay healthy
For our ears to be open to the Holy Spirits leading.
For peace in that part of the world.
Much Love,
PW and Sherry
Specific prayer:
For hearts to be open
For health for us and our family
For our church to stay healthy
For our ears to be open to the Holy Spirits leading.
For peace in that part of the world.
Much Love,
PW and Sherry
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Philippine Pastors and Wives February 14, 2014
Here we are on the big screen surrounded by some of the Pastors and Wives who attended our followup Pastors seminar. We had a great time and were so humbled and honored to minister to these precious ones who are serving in situations that most of us have only heard about. They labor without provision and trust God for every need to be met. They are always so attentive and ask wonderful questions. It is our goal to encourage and strengthen their marriages so in the midst of the trials they endure, marriage problems will not be one of them. Please pray for them and ask God to provide above and beyond their wildest dreams.
Here they are waving goodbye to us as we finished. Our hearts are so full from knowing these brothers and sisters. They said they would see us next year IN person. Please pray with us for Gods will concerning this. We are willing to go in person if God provides. It would be great privilege.
Thank you to all who have prayed for us and who gave so we could minister to these brothers and sisters. We love you and appreciate you.
Pastor Wayne and Sherry
Monday, February 3, 2014
So Excited
We are so excited. On Feb. 14 we will be doing a follow up marriage seminar with the Philippine Pastors and Wives. Skype has been such a blessing in helping us minister to so many in other parts of the world.
There will be 30 couples total with 10 of those traveling from the Mountain villages.
Please pray that the anointing of God will rest heavy on us and that He would use us to minister strength to these couples. Life in the Philippines is not easy for most and with ministry pressures on couples that are already struggling financially, it can get intense.
Thank you so much for your prayer support.
Much Love,
Pw and Sherry
There will be 30 couples total with 10 of those traveling from the Mountain villages.
Please pray that the anointing of God will rest heavy on us and that He would use us to minister strength to these couples. Life in the Philippines is not easy for most and with ministry pressures on couples that are already struggling financially, it can get intense.
Thank you so much for your prayer support.
Much Love,
Pw and Sherry
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Ukraine in Crisis
As many of you have probably heard, the Ukraine is in the middle of a Revolution over recent gov't rulings that are taking freedom away from the people.
Our hearts are breaking for the people of Ukraine. We love this country and consider it a second home. We have many friends who live there and are being affected by this.
Would you please join us in praying for them? We are asking God to perform a miracle which as you know is not hard for him to do. Pray our brothers and sisters to stand strong in the Lord, that they fight in spirit not in the flesh, that they will not be overcome by fear, and that in the midst of this darkness they will be lights for the gospel. Pray that many will come to saving faith in the Savior through this time. Pray also that no more lives will be lost. So far 5 have died.
Thank you so much for praying.
You can follow the news about what is happening by typing in Revolution in Ukraine in the browser.
Much Love,
PW and Sherry
Our hearts are breaking for the people of Ukraine. We love this country and consider it a second home. We have many friends who live there and are being affected by this.
Would you please join us in praying for them? We are asking God to perform a miracle which as you know is not hard for him to do. Pray our brothers and sisters to stand strong in the Lord, that they fight in spirit not in the flesh, that they will not be overcome by fear, and that in the midst of this darkness they will be lights for the gospel. Pray that many will come to saving faith in the Savior through this time. Pray also that no more lives will be lost. So far 5 have died.
Thank you so much for praying.
You can follow the news about what is happening by typing in Revolution in Ukraine in the browser.
Much Love,
PW and Sherry
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