Tuesday, November 11, 2014

He Heals the Heart

Hurting people. They are everywhere. The past week it seems like I have either personally talked to or heard about people in pain almost daily.

The Christians who are being persecuted all over the world.

The woman whose doctor has said she might have MS.

The couple who just heard that he is being deployed to Afghanistan soon and he will leave her and 3 children behind for almost a year.

The friend who has Parkinson Disease that is progressing.

The teen whose mom was just told she only has 5 months to live at best.

The couple whose marriage is in trouble and neither seem to be able to quit hurting each other.

The lady who is a new widow trying to cope with the empty places in her heart.

The man whose wife is an unbeliever and he is hurting because the thing that means the most to him he cannot share with her.

The couple who are grieving over a troubled rebellious teen.

The young woman who is filled with anxiety each day.

The list and examples go on and on. But the good news is that Jesus came to heal the broken hearted and His mercies are new every morning.  In each of these instances God is making the difference and they each are growing in their faith in God .
Brothers and sisters, no matter what is going on in your life, you can trust God. He is the one who promises to give you peace that passes all understanding.  He is the one who promises to work all things together for good. Yes even the bad stuff.

I love the old  hymn Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.  That is the secret to overcoming.

Much love,

1 comment:

M. said...

Yes yes yes. Thank You, Jesus.

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