Worship team at City of Life Church
where we ministered on Sun. Morning
PW preached a marvelous message on
how to have an untroubled heart in
the days in which we live.
Some of the gypsy congregation where
we ministered this evening. They were
very attentive. PW preached to the men
about the husbands role as servant leader
and then the pastor asked Sherry to minister
the word to women who had unsaved husbands.
They have asked us to come again when we return
to Uzghorod.
Pastor Yuri Balog with us in front of
a beautiful square in old Uzghorod.
Ignore the sign growing out of Sherry's head. :>))))
This is a Russian orthodox church built by Russians
at the beginning of the last centruy. You can see how
beautifully maintained the grounds are in the picture
Usually while ministering we do not get much opportunity to site see, but last night after service Pastor Yuri had us walk to his home (20 mins from church) to have dinner with his family. We took the scenic route and it was the first time we have seen this part of the city. It was really beautiful and pleasant. The river runs parallel to the park and is lined with trees whose branches hang low and make a canopy over the walkway.
All in all today was a wonderful day. We sensed God's anointing on us in both services and were warmly welcomed by both congregations. This morning at Pastor Ediks church it felt almost like home since we have ministered there so many times. Edik is a precious brother in his late 30's who had asked PW to mentor him a few years ago. So each time we come, he wants to spend time with us and he asks many questions then leans forward and really listens. Then when we return he reminds us of what was said the last visit. He is a young man with a big vision who is being drawn by the Lord to fast and pray for revival in his country.
On a personal note, Sherry is still in much pain with her jaw, thank you all to have prayed for her. So starting today she is going on a juice fast and will turn this latest physical attack into a fast for the Lord. Why not? Romans 8:28 and 29.
We leave this afternoon at 3 for the city of Khust for 2 days. Please pray for safety and anointing as we minister to the church. Tonight we will minister to the couples, tomorrow during the day they have scheduled some counseling appts. and then tomorrow night we will minister to the youth. They sent questions to us ahead of time from the youth. It is amazing at how deep the questions were, they are really looking for answers to some serious things. Then we will drive back to Uzghorod and arrive around midnight. Unless the church has gotten wireless since our last visit we will not be online until Wed and will post an update then.
P.S. We have gotten report that Pastor Bill is preaching really good. Can't wait to hear them when we get home. Thanks Brother for doing such a great job caring for the sheep while we are gone. WE could not do this without you and Edie standing beside us.
Grace and Peace,
PW and Sherry
Glad you got a little site seeing in. Your description of the river was very vivid and beautiful.
What a blessing it must be to you both to minister to people so hungry for God and His Word. Praise God!!!!
We are still praying for you, daily. I pray your juice fast is a blessing physically and spiritually. Praying for total healing in your jaw, Sherry!
So sorry to hear of you in pain. But of course the enemy attacks when things are being accomplished.
Please remember to pray for Louise, as her surgery is tmrw. I know she is in good hands (the Lord's).
Love you both, hope u continue to enjoy much of the work trip.
We are doing our best to hold down the fort. But definitely know you are missed greatly.
xo Edie
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