We would like to invite anyone who is reading this to a come to CCF on Feb 20 from 9-5 for our Basic Marriage Seminar. There is no charge and a free lunch will be provided. We will be making a DVD on this day so a volunteer audience is needed. You can sign up by calling the church at 440-285-3535.
Thanks to a grant by a generous friend, we are now able to make a DVD of our seminar to take to the Ukraine for translation into Russian. This will enable us to give the seminar to Pastors from small villages where travel for us is not possible. We have been asked by the Ukranians for years to write a book so this is the next best thing because now they can offer the seminar to the couples and engaged couples in their churches. The making of this DVD will also enable us to broaden our ministry in the Eastern Europe. We are also considering having this made into a book form to be able to pass it out when we go. The seminar is full of biblical truth on marriage and is what we teach the first time we go to an area. We may be making further DVD's of different teachings in the future.
Please keep us in prayer as we tackle this venture.
Also as we get nearer to our actual trip - March 10 - 27, the enemy likes to hit us here at home to keep us so distracted that we cannot give ourselves to study. Prayer support is so appreciated.
God Bless You all as you seek the Lord in 2010. He is the only one worth giving our lives to serve and we trust that you are one of those who are truly seeking Him. There is much work to be done in these last days.
Wayne and Sherry
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Picture number one is of Jen our daughter and Sherry
Second picture: The guy on the left and the lady in red are our capable and very trusted Associate PastorBill and his wife Edie. They take great care of our congregation while we are gone. Bill is also a gifted teacher of the word. Thanks Bill. The other couple is Pastor Doug and Rhonda Osbourne from Willoughby Ohio.
God's timing
I felt a real strong prompting of the Holy Spirit to call Lufthansa and check out our tickets today and to my surprise found out that the tickets from Kiev to Uzghorod have been cancelled. So we have called our agent so she can check it out and see what is going on. Please pray that we are able to make this work since we don't want to be stranded in Kiev when we are supposed to be in Uzghorod on the 20th. Smile time......I am glad we found this out now instead of standing in the airport in a foreign country trying to get to our next destination. Anyway, just wanted to give you all an update so you can pray. Thanks. Sherry
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Years
We pray that 2010 will be the year that the Lord will reveal Himself to each one of you in a special way. The time is short and the Harvest is ripe and we pray that you will take the season we are in seriously. It is not the time to be padding your resting places or trying to buy the latest toys or fill your time with idleness. There are millions who have not heard the good news of the gospel so be about the Fathers business this year. Feast on the word of God, pray and listen to His still small voice and then obey. Find a missionary or two to support and give to the local rescue missions,, get involved in your local church and shine for the Lord.
All of our money is in for this trip because of your generous gifts. We hope to refresh the teachings that we have done in the past, add some new ones and be able to feed His children with fresh bread. Please pray for us as we prepare and ask the Lord to give us extended times to be able to sit at His feet and hear Him so we can share what is on His heart not only abroad but to our church family here at home.
We have heard from many of our friends in Ukraine and we want to ask you to pray especially for Valodya and Oksana. Oksanas sister and her family were brutally murdered in Nov. and they are all trying to work through the emotions that go along with this tragedy.
We will try to post a little more often as the time of our trip approaches. God bless you all.
With love,
Wayne and Sherry
All of our money is in for this trip because of your generous gifts. We hope to refresh the teachings that we have done in the past, add some new ones and be able to feed His children with fresh bread. Please pray for us as we prepare and ask the Lord to give us extended times to be able to sit at His feet and hear Him so we can share what is on His heart not only abroad but to our church family here at home.
We have heard from many of our friends in Ukraine and we want to ask you to pray especially for Valodya and Oksana. Oksanas sister and her family were brutally murdered in Nov. and they are all trying to work through the emotions that go along with this tragedy.
We will try to post a little more often as the time of our trip approaches. God bless you all.
With love,
Wayne and Sherry
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