Friday, August 10, 2012

What do Ukranian mosquitos and Kamakazie pilots have in common?

Both dive bomb innocent victims in the night.... Here is the evidence of what damage they can do. Sherry was the innocent victim.        

This was our lunch today. A pizza with pickles. Yes you read that right.  Actually it was quite tasty.

Today has been quiet and we are starting to feel rested and ready to roll. We have met with a few people today for ministry time and tomorrow will be a study day because Sunday we start full speed ahead for the week.  There will be much on our plate this week. 

We had a delicous Georgian meal with our friends Vasiko and Tanya in the new pavilion at Nehemiah.  Good fellowship and food....a nice end to a day. 

Please pray specifically for our time of teaching the foster families. They have serious issues that they face with the children they are taking care of and are looking for biblical answers on how to help them. 

We will need much wisdom from God to minister to them.  

With much love, 
PW and Sherry

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Yikes! I can't believe it went right for your eye! At least you're still smiling. And, you still look as beautiful as ever. :)

Interesting looking pizza. Glad the pickles didn't ruin it. Actually, I think I'd like to try it myself.

Getting ready to lead worship this Sunday. Looking forward to jumping back in after my little break. This will be our first week without the Rogers. We're ready though!

Glad you're having a restful day. Will especially pray for your ministry to the foster families.


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