Thursday, January 29, 2015

Ukraine Day 1

Today we were able to sleep in until 10, which was wonderful. Although we both woke up very muddled in our thinking. Jet lag is so strange. But PTL as the day has progressed our minds have cleared up.  Below is a photo story of our trip so far.

 For Rilla, this is the view from our plane as we left Chicago.

 Rilla, this is the  way clouds look when you fly above them.
 View from our window this morning at Nehemiah Guest House
 Some of the Refugee women and children who attended the tea this evening. 

 The two girls on the left arrived just 3 days ago from Donetsk  
 Looking at the New Testaments that we presented them as gifts

 Our precious friend Tanya in the red sweater

 My precious friend and translator Olya

Three little girls whose family had to flee the war area and are living at Nehemiah Guest house. Their father is thankfully with them. He was taken by the Russian KGB and tortured in a basement for several days before he was released. They like those above have all found refuge in Western Ukraine and are being helped by Nehemiah ministries here.  So far they have helped feed, house and clothe over 500 refugees that have come to the city of Uzghorod.  Tanya has allowed many of them to live here free of charge while they look for work in the city. She has also invited them to bring their children for free to any of the activities or classes provided.  The beauty of this is that these people are seeing the Lord through His people and some are coming to faith in Christ.

Tonight, I, Sherry was privileged to speak to these refugee women and one man and offer hope that comes only from our Father.  The response was very good and several of the women cried as I shared about the character of God and how His perfect love can cast out any fear. They are dealing with so much trauma from what they have suffered.  They have had to leave homes that they built, businesses and jobs, family members and often with only the clothes on their backs.  Some shared that their loved ones are trapped in the war zone because their city or village is surrounded by Russian troops and they cannot leave.  You can imagine the anxiety they are experiencing as they wait word from them.  Please pray for them to hear from their families.  I presented the gospel and hope that they will embrace Christ as their only hope and find the peace that he can give.

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