Victor, Natasha, and their little boy
Nicku and Claudia
Tanya and Vaciko (Vaciko is from the country of Georgia. His family lives in Tbilisi.)
Philip and Kristie (our translator)
Sherry and Kristy
When we entered the town, all of the women and children came out and the men went inside.
Pastor Ivan is Ukrainian. His heart is for the Gypsy people
Thank you so much for posting the pictures! It's wonderful to see the precious faces of our brothers and sisters in Christ to whom you minister so far away.
We're praying for everyone in Georgia.
Love, Lisa
Dear Pastor & Bud,
I have no idea where you are right now, but I hope that so far your trip has been uneventful. Unless maybe while you were tolerating your layover in Romania you preached to 3,000 and they all came to Christ! Now that would be awesome! BELIEVE! Love you guys. Sharon
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