Friday, August 15, 2008


Victor, Natasha, and their little boy

Nicku and Claudia

Tanya and Vaciko (Vaciko is from the country of Georgia. His family lives in Tbilisi.)

Philip and Kristie (our translator)
Sherry and Kristy

Pastor Wayne and Kristy

Mihi and Elisa

Valodia and Oxana

Pastors and Leaders Marriage Conference class at Nehemiah

Gypsy Church

Gypsy mom and children and dog (can you see it?)

Main Street of the Gypsy Village
When we entered the town, all of the women and children came out and the men went inside.

Gypsy mom and daughter at the Gypsy church

Gypsy sister in Christ

Pastor Ivan
Pastor Ivan is Ukrainian. His heart is for the Gypsy people

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