Monday, July 14, 2008

Today started very early and we have been busy all day. The seminar is well attended with 25 people and they have already started asking questions which is good. We are so thankful for all the Growing Kids Training because it gives such practical help that we can refer to in answering the questions. We have one single guy coming who says he is getting ready so when he gets married he will know what to do. Now what woman would not want a man like that? :>) And we also have a lady here from Moscow. The people are paying attention and making good comments. In between the sessions, we have been meeting with people. During lunch we met with Pastor Sasha and Lena. If you go to the archives on the blog you will see their picture from October. They had some questions about counseling a couple at their church so we answered the questions and then spent some time fellowshiping with them. We will spend a few hours with them tomorrow morning since they are leaving to go home in the afternoon. Tonight we met with a young couple who live near the Black Sea. They are part of the group we did the mini seminar with over the weekend, they have decided to stay the whole week so we will meet with them again tomorrow to help them. Meanwhile we are going to try to rest some and then study for Wednesday. Please pray specifically that we cover the parenting issues that will pertain to this group of people. Thanks so much to all of you for your prayer support and comments. We have really enjoyed getting your comments. We miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear all is well and going good. Doesn't sound like you get much rest though.
Sherry, you know I am a consultant with Mary Kay, well my director is in the Ukraine right now adopting children and she was just at the Mary Kay Ukraine head quarters. She said how awesome it was. Mary Kay has been in the Ukraine now for 10 years. That is just so cool to me!
Well, have a wonderful day and may God continue to bless your ministry.
Love Regina Smith

Lisa said...

What a neat thing that the single man is wanting to learn about parenting now. His future wife family will be blessed!

I'm glad you got to fellowship with Pastor Sasha and Lena before they leave.

You guys are keeping so busy, you'll need a vacation once you arrive back home! I hope you're able to take at least a few days - or more - to rest before getting back into the swing of things.

Miss you!

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